Discovering easily
To refine their data exploration, end-users are recommended contextual drill-down options based on dimensions or filters that matter to their business context
Datagramar removes the clutter of traditional BI tools to simplify data visualisation interpretation. By automatically picking the right data representation for the job, Datagramar makes data exploration an enjoyable experience for non-data-savvy users, helping them to understand the significance of data
To refine their data exploration, end-users are recommended contextual drill-down options based on dimensions or filters that matter to their business context
The subtle mix of menu-driven options and language-processing allows users to slice and dice their dataset efficiently at their own pace. Search and filter capabilities provide intuitive ways to navigate through large datasets
Key frequently used intents are also available as quick-menus within each response of the assistant. Users don't need to make new questions to filter the data, to change dimension, to group by another dimension or to compare with other periods
Charts can be bookmarked in a personal dashboard making it convenient to easily access important business insights. Multi-charts presentations can be created in a couple of clicks ready to be shared or presented.
Datagramar comes with a number of built-in tools to guarantee exploration insights have an impact on your business.
Charts content and capabilities are tailored to the charting context of the user, maximising the amount data and details available in the chatviz, full-page dataviz, and multi-charts dataprez visualisations
Mapping data metrics and dimensions to their business meaning guarantees the right understanding and interpretation. Definitions, units, ordering rules, relations can be set for each dataset
A smart responsive design coupled with data fetching optimisations renders each chart at the full possibility of the user device, adapting the granularity, number of data points and pagination options
Yes of course. Data visualisation is smart enough to show the right amount of information.